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Spammers and scammers in court

Spammers required to pay $200,000; 419 scammers face prison sentence.
Spammers required to pay $200,000; 419 scammers face prison sentence. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled a court case with a spamming advertising company.…

Prolific spammer indicted

Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky charged with spamming and stock fraud.
Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky charged with spamming and stock fraud. Infamous prolific spammer Alan Ralsky has been indicted over his alleged involvement in an international…

Guidelines issued for UK hacker tool ban

Government issues guidelines in response to lobbying.
Government issues guidelines in response to lobbying. The British government has published a set of guidelines for the application of a law that makes it illegal to create or…

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