VBSpam Email Security Comparative Review June 2020

Ionuţ Răileanu

Virus Bulletin

Copyright © 2020 Virus Bulletin



In this test – which forms part of Virus Bulletin’s continuously running security product test suite – nine full email security solutions and four blacklists of various kinds, all of which had opted to be included in our public testing, were assembled on the test bench to measure their performance against various streams of wanted, unwanted and malicious emails.

Email spam is the leading cause of malware infection. As a first line of defence, email security products have to be on full alert every day since new threats and spam techniques are constantly being developed.

The results detailed in the VBSpam test reports generally indicate that email security products are doing a good job of blocking the majority of spam emails. But in this report we will pay more attention to the emails that evaded detection and we’ll look briefly at their particularities.

The challenging times people all over the world have been going through in recent months, as well as the high level of interest in anything related to COVID-19, was reflected in spam emails. Overall, 2% of the spam emails we saw in the test contained the words ‘covid’ or ‘coronavirus’ either in the subject or in the text of the email. The number of these emails decreased gradually after peaking at the beginning of the test (for the first three days of the test 6% of spam emails daily contained such a reference). The good news is that the majority of these emails were blocked by the security products we tested. Screenshots below show some examples of the COVID-19 related emails that we saw.



 Examples of the COVID-19 related emails seen during the test.


For some additional background to this report, the table and map below show the geographical distribution (based on sender IP address) of the spam emails seen in the test. (Note: these statistics are relevant only to the spam samples we received in real time and shouldn’t be seen as attribution of intent.)

# Sender's IP country Percentage of spam
1 China 19.42%
2 Japan 19.27%
3 United States 11.77%
4 Russian Federation 5.57%
5 Vietnam 3.52%
6 Brazil 3.52%
7 Germany 2.65%
8 Ukraine 2.15%
9 India 1.72%
10 Indonesia 1.45%

Top 10 countries from which spam was sent.

worldmap.pngGeographical distribution of spam based on sender IP address.


Malware and phishing

In this test we continue to highlight the email security solutions’ performance against malware and phishing emails. In these two categories we consider emails with a malicious attachment or containing links that either lead to a site with a fake login page (traditional phishing) or that download malware. Also considered as phishing are those emails with an HTML or PDF attachment that doesn’t display malicious behaviour itself, but which contains links that lead to a phishing site.

The following are some of the most challenging malware and phishing emails we saw in the test.




  • Payment 3334205 for sent invoice 3334205 is accepted
  • Case 6210596: invoice 6210596 is freezed
  • 6730779 contract invoicing assumed
  • Duplicated sent invoice #246650
  • Given invoice 9667913 successfully compensated


  • doc_1205_3334205.xls: 610372b5665c7f6a5489b47c8b60b871125b2619c37f197062548a31ed966c58
  • Doc_2020-05-13_6730779.xls: f30f4e94fcd25cd86003aa1ace6fe6ebbcb01f158c189998b2389d2a63b6504a
  • doc_2020-05-20-6210596.xls: 7ab0f38042955786dcffb1b12a2129fc6a25bb720180df7d0a04cff3507bdff0
  • document_2924.xls: c71e4dd1889fdb77bb3257c9edfda5ae1c76f10d1253bae18feb6d54b72e33c1
  • Inv_2020-05-20-9667913.xls: e6c74bfa6961f0a9cc4b8e40099ad9513dbfef2d3a3be15c62c98b4399f283fe


  • congbuzz[.]montcon1986@o2[.]pl
  • sapla[.]fastbang1970@o2[.]pl
  • wripun[.]stello1987@wp[.]pl
  • tocu[.]trigag1987@wp[.]pl
  • snarous[.]osog1980@wp[.]pl

Dates of occurrence and number of products that correctly blocked it:

  • 12 May; two products: Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd and IBM.
  • 13 May; three products: Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd, IBM and Libraesva.
  • 13 May; one product: IBM.
  • 20 May; five products: Axway, Bitdefender, IBM, Libraesva and Zerospam.

Malware features:

  • The XLS attachments contain calls to the external malicious URLs hxxp://mycoursera[.]in/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wp-front[.]php and hxxp://stoplazyconf[.]com/wp-front[.]php.
  • The malware also modified the Windows registry qa623L.reg.
  • From this behaviour it looks as if it is associated with Zloader malware, a variant of the banking malware Zeus.

Zloader.pngExample of a Zloader malicious email.

malicious-xls.pngScreenshot of the malicious XLS file when first opened.




  • Re: RE: New POs P25366 (KS20044) & P25360 (KS20043)


  • COTTON SRL.rar: 7f51e5cc81a251dfaefa461150dc8187cef23b14b06cd242fc327d276325a04b


  • ciao@cathay-food[.]co

Date of occurrence and number of products that correctly blocked it:

  • 13 May; five products: Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd, Bitdefender, Fortinet, Libraesva and Zerospam.

Malware features:

  • The attachment is a RAR archive that contains an executable file.
  • It tries to open an external URL from the domain doverax[.]com.
  • The malicious behaviour consists of spyware software that is installed while exploiting this backdoor.

spyware.pngSpyware email.


Trojan banker


  • Документы вторник


  • Proekt dogovora aprel’-maj.001: fc6b23ea38834fcc728c8416175329256da06005597030997225388933061ef8


  • prvs=14089b37a3=alpinashop@alpina-group[.]ru

Date of occurrence and number of products that correctly blocked it:

  • 19 May; four products: Axway, Fortinet, IBM and Libraesva.

Malware features:

  • The attached file is a RAR archive with a ‘.001’ extension.
  • It accesses the external URL hxxp://195[.]123[.]240[.]92/viewtopic[.]php, from where it downloads the payload.

trojan-downloader.pngTrojan banker email.




  • Re:Payment Amount : USD $43,727.11 for Overdue Invoice

Malicious URL:

  • hxxps://tinyurl[.]com/ybqknltu


Date of occurrence and number of products that correctly blocked it:

  • 15 May; three products: Axway, Fortinet and Libraesva.

Malware features:

  • The shortened URL redirects to a phishing URL: hxxps://beyondone[.]ca/img/img/index[.]php.
  • We couldn’t track the malicious behaviour any further, since this URL is no longer accessible.

phishing.pngPhishing email.


Netflix phishing


  • Netflix: We’re sorry to say goodbye - IMPORTANT: Your account is on hold. Your Netflix.ca (#205-5245001-0426740) has been dispatched.

Malicious URL:

  • hxxp://yapichemforum[.]com/esigned


Date of occurrence and number of products that correctly blocked it:

  • 19 May; five products: Axway, Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd, IBM, Libraesva and ZEROSPAM.

Malware features:

  • The URL currently leads to an expired domain.
  • This ‘Netflix phishing’ campaign has previously been seen in our test – it caught our attention on this occasion because it was missed by more products than usual.

netflix-phishing.pngNetflix phishing email.



Spam catch rates continued to be high, with the majority of products blocking more than 99% of the spam, but the catch rates on malware and phishing were significantly lower.

Four of the participating full solutions achieved a VBSpam award, while two – Bitdefender and Fortinet – performed well enough to achieve a VBSpam+ award.


Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd

SC rate: 98.68%
FP rate: 0.52%
Final score: 95.86
Malware catch rate: 96.72%
Phishing catch rate: 95.60%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.09%
Abusix SC rate: 98.49%
Newsletters FP rate: 8.3%



Axway MailGate 5.6

SC rate: 99.43%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 99.43
Malware catch rate: 93.71%
Phishing catch rate: 97.07%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.81%
Abusix SC rate: 99.26%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%




Bitdefender Security for Mail Servers 3.1.7

SC rate: 99.76%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 99.76
Malware catch rate: 96.07%
Phishing catch rate: 98.22%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.98%
Abusix SC rate: 99.66%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%




Fortinet FortiMail

SC rate: 99.84%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 99.84
Malware catch rate: 98.43%
Phishing catch rate: 98.01%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.94%
Abusix SC rate: 99.79%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%




IBM Lotus Protector for Mail Security

SC rate: 99.53%
FP rate: 0.02%
Final score: 99.45
Malware catch rate: 99.08%
Phishing catch rate: 98.32%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.94%
Abusix SC rate: 99.34%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%




Libraesva ESG v.4.7

SC rate: 99.62%
FP rate: 0.02%
Final score: 99.54
Malware catch rate: 99.74%
Phishing catch rate: 99.58%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.98%
Abusix SC rate: 99.45%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%

10% GREEN 50% GREEN 95% GREEN 98% speed-colour-blobs-YELLOW.jpg



Spamhaus Data Query Service

SC rate: 95.58%
FP rate: 0.02%
Final score: 95.50
Malware catch rate: 92.01%
Phishing catch rate: 83.35%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.25%
Abusix SC rate: 93.89%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%



Spamhaus rsync

SC rate: 93.54%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 93.54
Malware catch rate: 86.37%
Phishing catch rate: 73.93%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 98.48%
Abusix SC rate: 91.26%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%




SC rate: 98.48%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 98.45
Malware catch rate: 99.21%
Phishing catch rate: 98.22%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.96%
Abusix SC rate: 97.80%
Newsletters FP rate: 1.3%




Abusix Mail Intelligence

SC rate: 98.72%
FP rate: 0.13%
Final score: 98.06
Malware catch rate: 93.45%
Phishing catch rate: 95.29%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 98.58%
Abusix SC rate: 98.78%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%


IBM X-Force Combined

SC rate: 94.35%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 94.35
Malware catch rate: 86.63%
Phishing catch rate: 80.31%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 99.35%
Abusix SC rate: 92.04%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%


IBM X-Force IP

SC rate: 92.12%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 92.12
Malware catch rate: 85.98%
Phishing catch rate: 74.87%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 98.55%
Abusix SC rate: 89.17%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%



SC rate: 61.96%
FP rate: 0.00%
Final score: 61.96
Malware catch rate: 5.77%
Phishing catch rate: 30.68%
Project Honey Pot SC rate: 93.76%
Abusix SC rate: 47.32%
Newsletters FP rate: 0.0%


Results tables

  True negatives False positives FP rate False negatives True positives SC rate Final score VBSpam
Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd 6031 74 0.52% 1538 115135.6 98.68% 95.86  
Axway 6105 0 0.00% 663 116010.6 99.43% 99.43 vbantispam-pass.gif
Bitdefender 6105 0 0.00% 277.2 116396.4 99.76% 99.76 vbantispam-plus.gif
FortiMail 6105 0 0.00% 188.4 116485.2 99.84% 99.84 vbantispam-plus.gif
IBM 6104 1 0.02% 546.8 116126.8 99.53% 99.45 vbantispam-pass.gif
Libraesva 6104 1 0.02% 443 116230.6 99.62% 99.54 vbantispam-pass.gif
Spamhaus DQS 6104 1 0.02% 5157.2 111516.4 95.58% 95.50  
Spamhaus rsync 6105 0 0.00% 7537.4 109136.2 93.54% 93.54  
ZEROSPAM 6105 0 0.00% 1775 114888.6 98.48% 98.45 vbantispam-pass.gif
Abusix Mail Intelligence* 6056 49 0.13% 1499.2 115174.4 98.72% 98.06 N/A
IBM X-Force Combined* 6105 0 0.00% 6597.8 110075.8 94.35% 94.35 N/A
IBM X-Force IP* 6105 0 0.00% 9188.2 107485.4 92.12% 92.12 N/A
IBM X-Force URL* 6105 0 0.00% 44378.6 72295 61.96% 61.96 N/A

*These products are partial solutions and their performance should not be compared with that of other products.
(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


  Newsletters Malware Phishing Project Honey Pot Abusix STDev†
False positives FP rate False negatives SC rate False negatives SC rate False negatives SC rate False negatives SC rate
Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd 13 8.3% 25 96.72% 42 95.60% 334.4 99.09% 1203.6 98.49% 1.39
Axway 0 0.0% 48 93.71% 28 97.07% 70.6 99.81% 592.4 99.26% 0.88
Bitdefender 0 0.0% 30 96.07% 17 98.22% 6 99.98% 271.2 99.66% 0.63
FortiMail 0 0.0% 12 98.43% 19 98.01% 21.2 99.94% 167.2 99.79% 0.42
IBM 0 0.0% 7 99.08% 16 98.32% 21 99.94% 525.8 99.34% 2.7
Libraesva 0 0.0% 2 99.74% 4 99.58% 7 99.98% 436 99.45% 0.61
Spamhaus DQS 0 0.0% 61 92.01% 159 83.35% 276.6 99.25% 4880.6 93.89% 3.8.5
Spamhaus rsync 0 0.0% 104 86.37% 249 73.93% 560 98.48% 6977.4 91.26% 5.62
ZEROSPAM 2 1.3% 6 99.21% 17 98.22% 14 99.96% 1761 97.80% 1.83
Abusix Mail Intelligence* 0 0.0% 50 93.45% 45 95.29% 522.2 98.58% 977 98.78% 1.7
IBM X-Force Combined* 0 0.0% 102 86.63% 188 80.31% 240.2 99.35% 6357.6 92.04% 5.08
IBM X-Force IP* 0 0.0% 107 85.98% 240 74.87% 534 98.55% 8654.2 89.17% 5.54
IBM X-Force URL* 0 0.0% 719 5.77% 662 30.68% 2297.6 93.76% 42081 47.32% 12.06

*These products are partial solutions and their performance should not be compared with that of other products. None of the queries to the IP blacklists included any information on the attachments; hence their performance on the malware corpus is added purely for information.
† The standard deviation of a product is calculated using the set of its hourly spam catch rates.
(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


10% 50% 95% 98%
Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
Axway speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
Bitdefender speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
FortiMail speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
IBM speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
Libraesva speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-YELLOW.jpg
Spamhaus DQS speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
Spamhaus rsync speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg
ZEROSPAM speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg

(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)

speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg 0-30 seconds speed-colour-blobs-YELLOW.jpg 30 seconds to two minutes speed-colour-blobs-ORANGE.jpg two minutes to 10 minutes speed-colour-blobs-RED.jpg more than 10 minutes


Products ranked by final score
FortiMail 99.84
Bitdefender 99.76
Libraesva 99.54
IBM 99.45
Axway 99.43
Abusix Mail Intelligence rspamd 95.86
Spamhaus DQS 95.50
Spamhaus rsync 93.54

(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


Hosted solutions Anti-malware IPv6 DKIM SPF DMARC Multiple MX-records Multiple locations

(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


Local solutions Anti-malware IPv6 DKIM SPF DMARC Interface
Axway Kaspersky, McAfee        
Bitdefender Bitdefender        
FortiMail Fortinet  
IBM Sophos; IBM Remote Malware Detection          
Libraesva ClamAV; others optional        
Spamhaus DQS Optional        
Spamhaus rsync Optional        

(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


VBSpam-quadrant-June2020.jpg(Please refer to the text for full product names and details.)


Appendix: set-up, methodology and email corpora

The full VBSpam test methodology can be found at https://www.virusbulletin.com/testing/vbspam/vbspam-methodology/vbspam-methodology-ver20.

The test ran for 16 days, from 12am on 9 May to 12am on 25 May 2020.

The test corpus consisted of 123,158 emails. 116,896 of these were spam, 36,825 of which were provided by Project Honey Pot, with the remaining 80,071 spam emails provided by Abusix. There were 6,105 legitimate emails (‘ham’) and 157 newsletters, a category that includes various kinds of commercial and non-commercial opt-in mailings.

278 emails in the spam corpus were considered ‘unwanted’ (see the June 2018 report1) and were included with a weight of 0.2; this explains the non-integer numbers in some of the tables.

Moreover, 763 emails from the spam corpus were found to contain a malicious attachment while 955 contained a link to a phishing or malware site; though we report separate performance metrics on these corpora, it should be noted that these emails were also counted as part of the spam corpus.

Emails were sent to the products in real time and in parallel. Though products received the email from a fixed IP address, all products had been set up to read the original sender’s IP address as well as the EHLO/HELO domain sent during the SMTP transaction, either from the email headers or through an optional XCLIENT SMTP command2.

For those products running in our lab, we all ran them as virtual machines on a VMware ESXi cluster. As different products have different hardware requirements – not to mention those running on their own hardware, or those running in the cloud – there is little point comparing the memory, processing power or hardware the products were provided with; we followed the developers’ requirements and note that the amount of email we receive is representative of that received by a small organization.

Although we stress that different customers have different needs and priorities, and thus different preferences when it comes to the ideal ratio of false positives to false negatives, we created a one-dimensional 'final score' to compare products. This is defined as the spam catch (SC) rate minus five times the weighted false positive (WFP) rate. The WFP rate is defined as the false positive rate of the ham and newsletter corpora taken together, with emails from the latter corpus having a weight of 0.2:

WFP rate = (#false positives + 0.2 * min(#newsletter false positives , 0.2 * #newsletters)) / (#ham + 0.2 * #newsletters)

while in the spam catch rate (SC), emails considered ‘unwanted’ (see above) are included with a weight of 0.2.

The final score is then defined as:

Final score = SC - (5 x WFP)

In addition, for each product, we measure how long it takes to deliver emails from the ham corpus (excluding false positives) and, after ordering these emails by this time, we colour-code the emails at the 10th, 50th, 95th and 98th percentiles:

speed-colour-blobs-GREEN.jpg (green) = up to 30 seconds
YELLOW (yellow) = 30 seconds to two minutes
speed-colour-blobs-ORANGE.jpg (orange) = two to ten minutes
speed-colour-blobs-RED.jpg (red) = more than ten minutes


Products earn VBSpam certification if the value of the final score is at least 98 and the ‘delivery speed colours’ at 10 and 50 per cent are green or yellow and that at 95 per cent is green, yellow or orange.

Meanwhile, products that combine a spam catch rate of 99.5% or higher with a lack of false positives, no more than 2.5% false positives among the newsletters and ‘delivery speed colours’ of green at 10 and 50 per cent and green or yellow at 95 and 98 per cent earn a VBSpam+ award.



1 https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2018/06/vbspam-comparative-review.

2 http://www.postfix.org/XCLIENT_README.html

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