An international 'who-cares-ometer' for cybercrime (partner presentation)

Thursday 4 October 12:00 - 12:30, Red room

Stephen Cobb (ESET)

Security professionals have serious concerns about cybercrime, but what about the general public? Research shows the answer varies by country. For example, according to a biennial EU-wide survey called the Eurobarometer, there is less concern about cybercrime in Sweden than in the Netherlands, but also fewer cases of malware infection. Such variations are important, not least because the public are often the victims of cybercrime, and it is the public that elects the politicians who determine cybercrime policy and foot the tax bill for cybercrime fighting (the public also buy anti-malware products).

In this presentation ESET will reveal what its researchers found when they fielded a parallel 'barometer' survey in the US and Canada. For the first time, we can compare public attitudes toward, and experience of, multiple forms of 'cyberbadness' measured consistently across 30 different countries on two continents.



Stephen Cobb

A Senior Security Researcher at ESET, the global IT security software and services company, Stephen Cobb has been a CISSP since 1996 and has 30 years of experience researching information system security and data privacy. Devoted to helping companies, consumers, and government agencies to make the most of their IT investments by managing information technology risks, Cobb has been an invited speaker at security conferences in over a dozen countries, With a recent focus on cybercrime policy and workforce issues, Cobb has spoken on both topics at Virus Bulletin, (ISC)2 Security Congress, and Black Hat. He serves on the Southern California Electronic Crimes Task Force and co-chairs the CompTIA Advisory Council on Policy. Cobb holds a Master's degree in security in risk management from the University of Leicester.


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